Power of the Pebble (and Journal Kits)

from $30.00

A space to capture how the most humble, every day items can change your mindset in a moment about when giving = receiving, leading = being guided.

Skeimori-ishi, or “stopping stones,” are sometimes seen in Japanese gardens to guide people along the walking paths.

They lead without words and tell visitors, do not cross this boundary.

Humble objects that we so commonly pass by hold within themselves the power of connecting to the earth. They are ground down into soil that connects to all that live upon it in a silent, imperceptible network across our concept of time and space.

Your essence will infuse this pebble that will radiate out into the space it sits with this power.

Activating call will guide you into a modern shamanic practice as you infuse your pebble with its purpose of guiding you with its presence on your appropriate path.

Rocks listen to our stories, and if we let them, will hold them for us, too.

Power of the Pebble includes: Stone is approximately 3” to 5” and comes with 6’ of three types of fastening (raffia for balanced unity, cotton for positivity’s protection, vegan suede for your pure instinctual nature), Instructional card, and Cotton Muslin drawstring bag. Choose your amplifying crystal (quartz crystal as a light amplifier, orogon labrodite as an amplifier of the magic of possibilities, or averntine as an amplifier of an open heart to receive all good things).

Power of the Pebble Kit includes one 2”-3” stone plus the above AND a Handcrafted in the UK leather Journal, Lamy Fountain Pen with cartridge refills.

Power of the Pebble:
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